Alternative Lifestyles

So, What is Alternative Lifestyles you ask.

It is any life style that is outside what is considered main stream or the cultural norm, i.e. other than what is considered normal.

It is not necessarily sexual:

  • Punk Rock

  • Grunge

  • Heavy Metal

  • Goth

It can be sexual:

  • Swinging/Swapping

  • Polyamours

  • Pansexual

  • Homosexual

  • LGBT

    • Lesbianism

    • Gay

    • Bi-sexual

    • Pansexual

    • Polyamours

    • Transgender / Transsexual

It can be a different lifestyle itself:

  • D/s

  • S & M

  • B & D

At one time inter-racial relationships were considered an Alternative Lifestyle.

So is it wrong? Some aspects can be wrong or even illegal in some area or countries. But one might ask if it is not illegal can it still be wrong, the answer to that may be complex but the short answer might simply be... by who's standards?

If I am a person and you are a person and we all are equal under the law and if we all are equal under God then wouldn't it stand to reason that since I am no better than you and you no better than I then neither of us is truly in a position to judge the other?

Just a thought!